

A ZONE OF GENIUS is something described by psychologist Gay Hendricks in his book The Big Leap.

For me, ZONE OF GENIUS is derived from self-actualization and my perception of myself through my own lens versus how others may see me. Do they see me as someone who lives with integrity or does my external persona not match who I believe I am intrinsically? My ZONE OF GENIUS is that sweet spot where I stand confidently in what I am delivering, and steadfastly on where I am going.  I have deep clarity on how I want to show up and in the love beams that reside in me radiating my truest light, form, and purpose:  I am a person, a leader, a partner, a mom, a daughter, a colleague, and a friend. 

Directions: Fill in your answers to each question. This exercise is about clarifying your Zone of Genius to push to Your Future Self. This is not a time to be shy, timid or scared; be courageous and bold. Go for it. Write and Release. Once complete, we will email your responses so you can continue to activate Your Zone of Genius.